Car enthusiasts have a pair of car shows to attend in the coming week.
The Grand Junction Lions Club will host its annual Show-n-Shine Saturday, Aug. 4, at the Grand Junction city park.
Registration will be from 9:30 to 11 am, with cars, trucks, motorcycles and tractors on display until 2 pm. There is no fee to register, and awards will be presented at 2.
Food will be available for purchase.

Greene County Chamber and Tourism will host Hot August Night Thursday, Aug. 9, from 4:30 to 7 pm around the downtown square.
Cars, trucks motorcycles and tractors will be on display, with prizes in each category. A Spirit Award will also be presented. There will be a $200 cash prize for the car club with the most vehicles entered in the show.
Supper will be available from 4:30 to 7 pm, and the Does will have homemade pie and ice cream, too.
Rain date is Friday, Aug. 10.
The 2017 Hot August Night drew approximately 375 vehicles.